Chemxpert Database

Chemxpert Database

ChemData Intel Buyer

Comprehensive global buyers information with their contacts covering all chemicals & APIs

Chemxpert Database

ChemData Intel Supplier

Comprehensive global suppliers information with their contacts covering all chemicals & APIs

Chemxpert Database

ChemData Intel FDF

Comprehensive global suppliers/buyers information with their contacts covering all FDFs

Chemxpert Database

ChemTrade Live

An effective online portal to connect industry participants i.e., suppliers, buyers and facilitators

Chemxpert Database

ChemTrade Pro

Advertisement bulletin to showcase client products in front of desired industry participants

Chemxpert Database

Instant Report

Instant downloadable global suppliers/buyers information with their contacts across industry

What we offer

Comprehensive data management

Open technology architecture

Unique suppliers & buyers data integration

In-depath analytics & intelligence

Highly intutive construction